Everything that I write about comes from within. After receiving information through channelings, spirit (as I like to call them), will ask me to do my research, write the information out and share it with everyone. These writing are subjective because they are intuitive. It won't resonate with everyone. There is no right, there is no wrong; there just is.

The purpose of sharing information is to gain experiences which of course will be used for the soul’s growth. The path of spirituality is a unique journey that only you can travel by yourself. You may pick up some wonderful knowledge and share your personal insights along the way. If you can help one other person by sharing your experiences and give them a sense of normalcy, you have made a huge difference in our world.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Leaving the "Old Earth" behind

I don’t experience many lucid dreams but there was a short window of time where I had a conscious conversation with Sam about the ascension and the New Earth. The last time I spoke with him he revealed himself as Blue Avian. When I first heard of him I found an entire FB group (Angels Ascending – Founded by Nathan Sanders) dedicated to Sam. In this group, you can talk with others about your own experiences. Sam communicates with people through music and everyone can use this technique. However, you do have to pay close attention to your intuition and work your way through the lyrics to find out what he is saying. These sessions are fun and time-consuming. I was also able to connect with Sam through my meditations and much additional information came through but, more on that at a later time.

The answers to your questions are found in the lyric, album title, artist’s name/band, title of the song, and sometimes album art. It’s very intuitive and you should only use the information that stands out to you. I’ve used Pandora’s playlists and push the shuffle option after stating my question. This is the same principle used in Tarot. The intent of your question as you shuffle the deck will result by the answers given in the cards. Instead of using a Tarot deck you are using music. Avoid playlists that hold “aggressive” music with cuss words because this type of lyric is dense in energy and vibration. You could easily misunderstand the message and “freak” out. Let go of all fear and judgment when you decide to give it a try. You may need to practice a few times to get a feel for it.

I’ve summed up Sam’s message according to my intuition. Click session to see the entire process.

Sam’s message:
Sam is here to help us during the ascension. He is here to remind you of this process in case you didn’t know. Write it down so that people can read about it and be prepared. There’s a bad moon arising. Trouble is on the way. It looks like we’re in for nasty weather; earthquakes and lightning, hurricanes, overflowing rivers and ruin. A lone-star belt will buckle (collision of two galaxies can create a lone star outside of its field) and after each night begins a new day (Reference to the moon). Slow change pulls us apart (earth ascending, leaving the old earth behind) when the light (soul consciousness) moves into your heart. Don’t close your eyes (share what you see, experience to bring awareness). The wheels turn slow (the ascension will happen in a moment, quick). She swears the moon don’t hang quite as high. At last, fifty years from now (New earth happening 2069).

As I said, these messages are very intuitive and an exact date is always hard to predict. Spirit doesn't live on a time scale as we do. So earth's ascension could happen 50 years from, it could also happen today or a million years from now. No one really knows. More research was needed to clear up a few of Sam's statements. "A bad moon arising" and "Lone-star belt", and I found the following.

A bad moon arising:
I asked myself what impact our moon can have on the earth? And stumbled upon a few interesting sites, one of them Nasa official page. In this article, "Earth's magnetic field does strange things to the moon" it's explained how the moon reacts after it goes through the earth's magnetic tail. If the earth's magnetic tail can do strange things to the moon than the moon could return the favor.
in the article, "The moon may play a major role in maintaining Earth's magnetic field" it said the following.

"Since neither the Earth's rotation around its axis, nor the direction of its axis, nor the Moon's orbit are perfectly regular, their combined effect on motion in the core is unstable and can cause fluctuations in the geodynamo. This process could account for certain heat pulses in the outer core and at its boundary with the Earth's mantle.

Over the course of time, this may have led to peaks in deep mantle melting and possibly to major volcanic events at the Earth's surface. This new model shows that the Moon's effect on the Earth goes well beyond merely causing tides."

A lone-star belt will buckle:
According to an article in Cosmos Magazine, half of the stars in the universe lay outside of their galaxy. They can be knocked free when two galaxies collide. These stars are called lonesome stars (lone-stars). The reference to Sam's messages "Slow change pulls us apart" may signify Earth's ascension.

I'm not sure what to think but this does make sense to me. I'll leave it up to you to make up your own mind.

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